Overseas Promotion

  1. 홈
  2. Program
  3. Overseas Promotion
  4. Public Relations
  5. Online Promotion



Online Promotion


LTI Korea’s online promotion conveys its policy direction and shares various program outcomes for the purpose of raising its profile at home and abroad. LTI Korea curates and provides various online contents such as newsletters and social networking to provide inclusive access to our programs and news of overseas expansion of Korean literature. The aim is to contribute to the spread of the value of Korean literature as global literature and give rise to further discourse.

Main Services



LTI Korea’s monthly newsletter provides the latest news on major policy direction, programs, open call projects, and events in Korea and abroad.

Past Issues Subscribe

소통채널 운영

Communication Channels

LTI Korea attracts a wider clientele, and engages in two-way communication and interaction by developing unique promotional content tailored to the subscribers’ preferences.

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